Fluke 13 review by Dagger


Well, here’s one that I completely missed. Seems like this zine that was straight outta Arkansas first got going in 1991 but I missed the boat on it. At the time though it seems like they were focusing mainly on punk bands and by that time I had left that scene (mostly but not completely) behind and was more into the indie rock/pop scene. This is a terrific little (digest-sized) rag though and this is their 25th anniversary issue. Edited by Matthew Thompson who now lives in AZ, he dedicates this issue to days of yore in the Little Rock (and beyond) scene. In addition to a cool piece on Tav Falco (I had no idea that he was originally from Arkansas) there’s interviews with folks who helped the jumpstart the different scenes in AR, folks like Fletcher Clement and Colette Tucker who booked gigs. In addition there’s an interview with James Brady of Trusty (later signed to Dischord Records) and a cool little play list done by Mitchell Crisp (who also did the excellent cover) and other odds n’ ends. This one is well worth the price of admission and it’s got two covers, a variant one and the one pictured above. Dive in, punk. www.fluke.bigcartel.com