Razorcake review
One of the coolest zines happening these days, and this issue marks twenty-five years of existence! This issue is a love letter to Arkansas punk, which is where this publication started. There are interviews with people who worked behind the scenes to make it happen, from promoter Fletcher Clement, to flyering with Colette Tucker. Then there are the folks who play, or played in bands: Andy Conrad (Numbskulz, Smoke Up Johnny), Colin Brooks (Numbskulz, Big Cats), and James Brady (Trusty). Then there’s the piece from the legendary Tav Falco, a detailed play list from Mitchell Crisp, and a piece from the editor, Matthew Thompson, on his introduction to punk way back when. Reading through this, you will get a strong sense of community, the important role everyone plays in keeping their local scene alive, and how it affects what they do during and after. –Matt Average (Matthew Thompson, PO Box 1547, Phoenix, AZ 85001, fluke.bigcartel.com)