MNRL CVLT FIELD REPORT #1 review in Tales From the Middle 8

 Tales From the Middle 8

Issue 1 of this new zine from NXOEED through Fluke Publishing is good fun. The MNRL CVLT Field Report has a new collection of NXOEED art and is also a curious list of locations you can seek out to mine for rocks. Almost like a personal journal, or instructions between a group of close friends. 

I’m reminded, as far as the content goes, of Public Collectors publications, this feels like something they would have also jumped at the chance to print; the playful cataloguing of information that many would consider throw away or too niche, the stuff zine readers love. As NXOEED says: “This zine exists because it’s exactly what I would have wanted someone else to write.”

It's a curious document of course, lists often are, but the intro and notes are eccentric and so warmly penned that you can't help but smile as you go through each page, each location and description of what you might find there. The latitude and longitude of the location is followed by a description of the stones available there and also a little anecdote, for example "This place gives me the creeps, but its fun..." I haven't read anything quite like it, which is what makes this little zine so interesting.

You can pick the zine up from Fluke Publishing